Kameshia Ingram

"Hanging with the G's"

Honestly, I don't know if it is just me but 2020 seems to be lasting for 53 months instead of 12 months.

It has been a tragic and horrific pandemic that no one could have foreseen happening. It has drastically changed the lives of everyone, including myself. Many of us can spend time focusing on the bad events that have happened but within every dark phase, there is a glimpse of light and hope.

At the start of 2020, I was a recent graduate from San Diego State University. I got my bachelor's degree in Anthropology and had hopes of moving to Arizona to enroll in a master's program. So I quit my two jobs, packed up my belongs and set out of another adventure. But life has a funny way of changing the plans.

Friends at college graduations during commencement
half-marathon medal and epic sky-diving photo

"Living Life On the Edge"

I found a part time job at a restaurant and I despised heading to work every day. During one of my many sessions of scrolling Pinterest, I seen a post that said "How to become a Web Developer." I was always fascinating with the people at a tech company I worked at after graduation, so I clicked the post. It was in that moment that I found my glimpse of light. I spent hours/days searching the web to gain as much information as I could. I have collected checklist after checklist of web applications I should know in order to be a web developer.

If anyone has spent time on the web searching web development, they know there is a ton of information out there. It seems as though everyone has that ONE program that will guarantee you a role as a developer. So when a family-friend recommended the University of Arizona for their coding bootcamp program, I knew that I couldn't pass up the opportunity that presented itself. I spent one Friday doing an interview, an assessment, and gathering letters of recommendations to submit before 5pm. I started that following Monday and to my surprise received a scholorship.

"Building the Foundation"

2020 has pushed me passed my comfort level.

I have come to realize that I allowed myself mentally to be restrained in my creativeness and skills. As you can see in the photo above, I have no problem pushing myself physically beyond the limits. This year, despite the pandemic, has granted me the self-awareness and insight I personally needed to take my career to the next level. Web development has provoked me to use my intellect, my personality, and my originality in ways I didn't think were possible.

Everyday, I look forward to continually developing and mastering my skills during and after this bootcamp. Take a look at my projects.

current workstation